Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Finally, I found It was memorial day weekend, I had a rare 3 days off because I thought I had visitors for the weekend ( I messed up the dates), so I had lots of time and nothing better to do. In retrospect, all of this is fairly easy, so long as you find the right guides and ask the right questions. But from where I was coming from, and the limitations of my g5 tiger Powermac being almost obsolete (great for most things but not for cutting edge technology) I had a lot to learn. I had to install software before I could install software before I could install the software. Fortunately, the Internet is the ideal learning environment, and there is nothing it teaches better than itself and computers in general. Nuigroup was incredibly helpful, once I asked the right questions. I read the forum and hung out on their irc channel (#nuigroup on freenode). Fortunately, the mac is unix based, so a lot of linux users are extremely helpful when it comes to doing things from a command prompt such as compiling software (more on that later). But I still kept hitting dead ends. nuigroup is really only about multitouch, and although they have different methods, they are all based off of the same concept of multitouch. So nuigroup was the starting point, but google was where I had to go to get most of my info.

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